Constantine Wild 2022
An amazing history of the Constantin Wild fine gem legacy includes a page on Amanda Rubin, collector and my dear friend. This page is showing one of the many rings I’ve made for her.

Liberty Arts Show 2017
Taking the opportunity to ‘play’ with an old friend and encouraged by a fine curator,
I participated in this beautiful show.

2016 Winner AGTA Spectrum Awards
in Fashion Forward Work
in collaboration with Brian Cook
The world’s finest jewelry and colored gemstone competition.

figure 2

figure 3

2014 GIA Article
Featuring Brian Cook
Custom Jewelry work done by
Paula Bailey Brent
Innovative Optical Effects, Unique Rings with Raw Crystals
Brian Cook displayed several intriguing rings with rough crystals, including ruby (figure 2), alexandrite, and diamond, also in work-hardened gold. Another standout featured a cat’s-eye spessartine garnet with Paraíba tourmaline cabochons in a similar mounting (figure 3).
The result is “a mélange of color,” a combination of design, gem crystals, and color that work in synergy with aromatherapy like a wearable potpourri. Brian Cook helps source for unusual gem crystals, such as a clear oligoclase, for fashioning into sliding gem beads where essential oils nestle to comfort and revive the wearer.
See reference to work by Paula on video clip @ minute 4.12